Business Activity Statement online lodgement BAS Period – Quarter End*Business DetailsBusiness Type*Sole TraderCompanyTrustContact Person*Tax File Number*ABN*Unit NumberStreet No.*Street Name*Suburb*State*NSWQLDSATASVICWAACTPost Code*Phone*Email* MobileOptions for providing business Income and Expenses: 1. Complete the below summary. OR 2. Download the Excel summary, complete the summary and attach it OR 3. Just scan and attach all sells & expenses invoices with your bank statement to our email address, then we will prepare for you (we provide bookkeeping to upload all your business transactions into our system and charge at $45 per hour) Upload Excel SummaryIncomeSales / Fees / Revenue (with GST)OtherExpenses (with GST)PurchasesPackagingOtherOver HeadsAccountingAdvertisingBank Merchant FeesCleaningDeliveryGeneral ExpensesHardwareInsuranceInternetMV - FuelMV - InsuranceMV - ServiceMV - RepairsMV - OthersOffice SuppliesPrinting, Postage & StationaryRentRepairs MaintenanceStaff AmenitiesTelephone - LandlineTelephone - MobileToolsTravel CostsUtilities - Electricity & WaterUniformsOtherExpenses (GST FREE)Bank FeesFilling FeesFinesInterest ExpensesMV - Lease PaymentsMV - RegoSuperannuationWater RatesOtherCapital CostsComputerFurnitureMotor VehicleOtherWagesNameAmount Other InformationAttach any other documents we may requireList details of any other information that you would like us to reviewTERM & CONDITIONS I agree and acknowledge the following terms and conditions: I authorise Kevin (Yao) Song Registered Tax Agent to add me as a client with the ATO for taxation purposes. I understand the standard processing is 10 business days from the date the signed Tax Return Form to returned to our office for lodgement. This processing time is might subject to ATO processing delays. I understand that Kevin reserves the right to ceases work until full payment of the agreed services The charge $110(excluding bookkeeping charge if you haven’t got any record) is based on simple BAS, Information must be provided to our office in the same format as the summary provided. Do you agree with these Terms and Conditions?* Yes This iframe contains the logic required to handle AJAX powered Gravity Forms.